Taka Mayumi
2024.5.9 - 5.26
2024年5月9日(木) – 5月26日(日)の期間、写真家 Taka Mayumiによる個展「“t”に関しての思考」を開催いたします。
Taka Mayumiは10年以上に渡ってパリで写真家として活動し、2013年頃からは東京を拠点に商業写真と並行して作品制作を行なっている写真家です。
また、Taka Mayumiは自費出版による写真集を数多く制作し、現在も写真と写真集の在り方を日々模索し続けている写真家でもあります。
写真を探求し続けるTaka Mayumiの現在を、どうぞこの機会にご高覧ください。
From May 9 (Thu) to May 26 (Sun), 2024, we are pleased to present a solo exhibition by photographer Taka Mayumi titled “Thoughts on ‘t'”.
Taka Mayumi has been working as a photographer in Paris for over 10 years. Mayumi Taka, the main photographer of the exhibition, has produced many books of photographs for publication at her own expense, and continues to explore the nature of photography and photo books.
This exhibition will feature all new photographic works created especially for this exhibition. I observed the continuous second hand at my favorite café. He felt a strong sense of discomfort and realized that it was no longer there. From there, I gathered information from books and the Internet to get the idea for this exhibition. At that stage, I had my first experience of images coming down from words. These are the basis of this exhibition. From special relativity to quantum mechanics, and back to Teutonic mechanics The concept of time has been studied by great historical figures.
When the human eye perceives time and sees clearly, past, present and future become indistinguishable because the human eye only sees things in warm tones.
When I read this sentence, I felt I understood why I did not feel at home in the digital world. In short, I thought it was because I felt an overwhelming sense of discomfort due to the fact that time is stopped too much because of the transfer of things that are unrecognizable to the human eye. It was a shock to learn that the flow of time is strictly speaking different between the ground and the top of an apartment building, and that even the objects in front of our eyes, which can only perceive things illuminated by the sun, appear to us with a strictly delayed appearance. I am not sure how far I have been able to express in my photographs areas that great philosophers and scientists have yet to reach, but I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have. (Fragmentary notes from the artist on the creation of the works for this exhibit.)
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