Pascal Harris
2025.3.20 - 3.30
2025年3月20日(木・祝) – 3月30日(日)の期間、Pascal Harrisによる個展「Chrysalis」を開催いたします。
Pascal Harrisはニュージーランド ダニーデン出身のアーティストで、音楽や写真、近年ではファウンド・オブジェを使った彫刻やアッサンブラージュ作品を発表するなど、多岐に渡る表現活動を行っています。
今回の個展で触れているもうひとつの作品群は、私がニュージーランドを離れる前の最後の個展「Caring for the Lost Body」のテーマを引き継いでいる。これは死と変容のテーマであり、さなぎのテーマとも関連している。前回の個展で、私は空き地に半分埋もれていた5着の衣服を発見した。今回の展覧会では、2023年に日本を訪れた際にドレスを作るために使った赤いリネンの端切れを展示します。この時、ニュージーランドに帰国した私は、持ち物が増えすぎて持ち帰ることができず、田舎の友人宅近くの川辺に「余分な荷物」を埋めることにした。
本展は2024年4月に開催した「The streets are littered with gold and diamonds」に続き、当店で2度目のPascal Harrisの個展となります。
We are pleased to announce “Chrysalis,” a solo exhibition by Pascal Harris from March 20 (Thu) to March 30 (Sun), 2025.
Pascal Harris is an artist from Dunedin, New Zealand, with a diverse range of expressive activities including music, photography, and more recently, sculpture and assemblage works using found objects.
This exhibition will focus on his recent work with found objects.
When I was a child there was a time when we had plants in our garden that attracted the caterpillars of the Monarch butterfly. When the time came they would attach themselves to a branch of the plant and make chrysalises out of themselves, beginning the process of their transformation into a magnificent butterfly. I remember watching the beautiful green chrysalises with wonder and fascination and being attracted to the row of sparkling dots near the top, like a row of tiny jewels, dazzling in the sunlight.
The chrysalis is a stage of transition and transformation and the fake nails are often worn by young girls in a state of transition from child to woman. As the body of the caterpillar is encapsulated in its chrysalis, so the hopes and desires of these young girls are encapsulated in their resin cubes. This is the desire to capture something that is transitory in its nature. Something I always used to feel intensely, from the first time I came to Japan and witnessed the short course of the flowering of the cherry blossoms.
This time is also a time of transition for me. After my first period of life in Japan, I returned to New Zealand. 10 years later I made the decision to move back to Japan. This exhibition is the result of work from the first year of my second period of life in Japan. In many ways I wanted to renew the life I used to have in Japan, but I realized that both I and the Japan I used to know, had changed. Out of this transition I hope that something new and beautiful will be born.
Another body of work which I am just touching on in this exhibition continues the theme of my last exhibition before I left New Zealand ‘Caring for the Lost Body.’ This is the theme of death and transfiguration and also relates to the chrysalis theme. In my previous exhibition I had uncovered 5 garments, half-buried in an empty lot, all presumably belonging to the same woman. In this exhibition I am showing an offcut from the red linen I used to make a dress during one of my visits to Japan in 2023. At this time on my return to New Zealand I had accumulated too many belongings to take back with me, so I decided to bury my ‘extra baggage’ by the side of a river near where I was staying with my friend in the countryside.
One and a half years later I ritually unburied these belongings and took them home with me in 4 rubbish bags. I love how nature has altered the quality of the red fabric, discolouring it and forming numerous gradations of colour, tearing the material so that it is now so expressive. Another of the objects I am including from this ‘unburying’ is photos of some of the photos I had buried there and which had also been discoloured by the disintegration of the photographic dyes, resulting in fascinating patterns and colourations. Both the red of the photographic dyes and the red of the fabric remind me of blood and thus have a visceral connection to our own bodies.
(Artist Statement)
This is the second solo exhibition of Pascal Harris at our gallery, following “The streets are littered with gold and diamonds” in April 2024.
We hope you will take this opportunity to visit the exhibition.
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